So what does a real wax job include? Your professional detailer could do it one of two ways. The first way is by hand. Making sure the wax is rubbed on a circular motion, in smaller areas at a time. The second way is with a waxing buffer. After the wax has been applied it gets removed and you have a nice smooth paint job. So what does it do besides make your paint job look awesome?
It protects your car from scratches. It doesn't make it immune, but it will help prevent them. It also makes future washing easier. In the state of Florida, two times of year, we are blessed with the presence of LOVE BUGS. These bugs are super aggravating. They love to be everywhere they shouldn't be. Including the grills, front bumpers and windshields of cars. However, if you keep your car waxed, they will not cause major damage to paint and when you go to wash your car, they will come off much easier. Another reason to keep your car waxed regularly the paint job will be kept up. This means there will be a reduction to oxidation in the paint and if you want to go resell it, you can make a better dollar then with out.
So its obvious there are plenty of great reasons to make sure your car's wax is in tip top shape. So the million dollar question is how often should it be done? Realistically it should be done between every three to six months. However, these things do come at a cost. If every three months is pushing it, try every six months.
Ultimately, cars should be waxed. If you do it, or have someone else do it, it should be done regularly, and your car will continue to look awesome.
This is an example of a car that had never been waxed! Well, I stand corrected. It was probably waxed after it was purchased at a dealership 8 years ago. However, with a little love and wax, the car looks a lot better. Still needs some attention, but not awful.